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Sevastopol Economics

Created 210 years ago as base of Black Sea fleet, the city for a long time has developed frameworks of navy base, by becoming largest in Ukraine centre of fishing industring, transport - refrigerators and scientific - research fleet, having advanced ship repair, electronic industry, powerful building and agroindustrial complexes. In city administrative borders functions more than 5 thousand enterprises of a various branch orientation and pattern of ownership.

The industry of city is submitted, basically, series of the large industrial enterprises fishing and fish-processing branches. The floating and coastal canning factories let out annually millions pieces of conditional jars of fish canned food and thousands tons various smoked, dreaded, marinaded production. In Sevastopol is based practically all sea transport - refrigerators fleet of Ukraines making 4 % from world refrigerators fleet. Ship repair of an opportunity of city are submitted by six factories, which can make repair of courts of all types and classes. Sevastopol wokers of ship repair have rich experience to repair of courts of the various countries of the world. The most powerful sea floating cranes of former Soviet Union by carrying capacity from 100 up to 1600 tons were under construction on a Sevastopol sea factory. Floating cranes are universal in work, them apply as in ports and on ship-building factories, and on opened water area. They execute all kinds sea carry lifting, build - assembly and under abnormal condition - saving works.

The special role in industrial potential of city is played by a series of the enterprises former war industry complex USSR, enterprise of radioelectronics and instrument making. The appreciable role in economy of city is played Balaklava's ore managment, letting out metallurgical limestone, and from raw material which was not adequate for their manufacturing, making building materials - by road metal of various fractions, marble crumb, other. The building enterprises of Sevastopol make production of a building material from Incerman's stone, which is exported to many countries of the world. The sewing and knitted industry is submitted by a series of the enterprises which are letting out a products, using wide demand in all regions of Ukraine. Sewing factory is supplied with difficult agregates with program management. From conveyors of factory some thousands man's costumes annually descend. The agriculture of region specializes on a gardening, viticulture, vegetable-growing. Sevastopol - one of major grape areas of Ukraine, the area under vineyardes makes about 8.000 hectares. The Sevastopol grapes differs by high quality and variety of grades, perfect restaurants of a grade of a grapes here are deduced. Rich technological, industrial base of winemaking and saved experience make city by the supplier of the best grape faults and champagne in Ukraine.

Foreign economic relations of city of Sevastopol with other countries constantly extend. In city more than 100 joint ventures work. The enterprises of city carry out export operations with the partners from 50 countries of the world, import - with the partners from 48 countries of the world. The commodity structure of export has developed basically at the expense of deliveries abroad fish and fish production - 55 % from total volume, canned fish - 34,2 %, and also at the expense of production of black metallurgy, ship engines with spares and so on. The products of colour metallurgy, varnishes and paints, cable, plastic products, videoequipment, measuring devices, perfumery and cosmetics, black oil, diesel fuel, technical oil are imported. Through Sevastopol sea trade and fish ports all-the-year-round is carried out reloading of various loads, switching and petroleum, which total volume reaches up to one million tons per one year. The transport complex of city consists of 6 railway stations with extent of access roads of 35 kms. And processing 600 freight cars per day. The throughput makes 23 pairs trains per day. Railway branch lines and the deadlock stations approach to the majority of Sevastopol bays, through which is carried out reloading of loads. The basic automobile lines provide Sevastopol - Simferopol (throughput of 18 thousands units per day) and Sevastopol - Yalta (same throughput) road communication(connection) of Sevastopol with all regions of Crimea. In urban feature the berthing front is well advanced, which length makes more than 30 kms. The city has more than 100 moorings, part which from - deep-water, are equipped for loading large-capacity vesseles with deposit up to 10-12 m. The cities, located in territory, two air stations of the first class (take-off strip of 3,2 kms) allow to accept passenger and transport planes of all types. The air station Belbek is capable to carry out processing of 500 tons of loads and up to 500 passengers per day.

Women of Sevastopol

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